Tuesday, July 23, 2019

$10 million for propaganda

My state representative, Doyle Heffley, sends out an occasional newsletter touting his activities and picturing him with Eagle Scouts or vets or other local groups.  He also does telephone “town halls” where people can hear his actual voice.

Today the Morning Call ran an article explaining that the Pennsylvania House and Senate spend approximately $10 million on PR.  This cost is justified, the legislators say, because it keeps us informed.  The annual cost for the telephone town halls is only about $275,000; the newsletters cost about $1 million  The 130 communications specialists also fly to districts to cover events, fund websites, film committee hearings, take pictures of lawmakers in hardhats in factories, and generally put a good face on everything incumbents do.

In the meantime Pennsylvania’s DCNR and DEP are starved for funds.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. For years Peter Roskam was our representative and he always did his teletownhalls. I'm happy to say that he doesn't do them anymore. He is no longer a rep in Illinois. People realized that all of the calls were chosen by staff so no one could ask the pertinent questions. It's nothing more than campaign rhetoric. Hopefully Hefley will meet the same fate.

  3. One can only hope. I can't believe anyone takes these "town halls" at face value.
