Monday, October 21, 2019

I married an agitator

Today Linda and I visited Northampton Community College to see an art exhibit by Jan Crooker, an artist we both like.  When we arrived on campus, we didn’t know our way around, so we picked up a map in the bookstore.

The map was somewhat confusing, but we saw a large group of students and some police.  The students were shouting at a small group of speakers who were anti-feminist and carried signs that said things like “Feminists are pedophiles.”  They were religious fanatics and, I’m sure, Trumpists.  I tried to figure out the map, while Linda went over to see if she could get directions from one of the students in the crowd heckling them.

She took a long time, so I finally went over the the group.  Linda was organizing some students to chant “Asshole, Asshole, Asshole” directed at the demonstrators.  She never even asked about directions.  

We did eventually find the building with the help of a maintenance man.  The show was great.