Thursday, November 14, 2019

A simple explanation for impeachment

McClatchy newspapers will now be skipping the Saturday editions.  In the meantime more and more people are getting their “news” from Facebook.  They are also getting dumber.  My state representative, Doyle Heffley, told me yesterday that he is answering phone calls and emails either praising or criticizing him for his impeachment vote.  The only problem is that STATE representatives have nothing to do with impeachment.

If you do read newspapers, I will apologize in advance for the long quote from Nicholas Kristof that follows.  It was in today’s Times.

Suppose that a low-ranking government official, the head of a Social Security branch office, intervened to halt a widow’s long-approved Social Security payments.  The widow, alarmed that without that income she might lose her home, would call the branch director to ask for help.

“I’d like you to do me a favor, though,” the director might respond.  He would suggest that her Social Security payments could resume, but he like the widow to give him her late husband’s collection of rare coins.  

If the director said later that payments were resumed, or said the widow’s son had done some questionable things, do you think that would save him from being fired?

It’s that simple.

NOTE:  WOULD ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE LISTED AS "FOLLOWERS" PLEASE EMAIL ME AT <> AND TELL ME HOW TO GET LISTED AS A "FOLLOWER."  I have a friend who wants to comment on my posts, probably in a very negative way.  Yeah, I know I should know, but I don't. (It's a real friend, not a Facebook" friend.)

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