Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Carbon County goes "Red"

Yesterday’s election in Carbon County, PA, was a disaster for the Democrats.  We have now joined Carbon counties in Utah, Montana, and Wyoming as centers of retrograde politics.  All of our county office races were won by Republicans, although the Democrats fielded a good slate of candidates with years of experience and excellent work histories.  It didn’t matter.  A large number of Republican voters voted straight ticket, unable to see past the R next to the candidates’ names.

Once again I am reminded of presidential candidate Morris Udall’s comment when he lost a close race in Wisconsin.  “The people have spoken, the bastards.”


  1. Now we have a bunch of Green horns in office. Should be very interesting to see how things workout in the County offices. I can see it now, when one asks where are the paper clips, and the answer is I don't know.

  2. Some of the new officials will know very little about their responsibilities. We have lost some experienced and excellent officials. This is what happens when people blindly vote their party and ignore the candidates' qualifications.
