Friday, May 14, 2021

The U.S. in decline

 Approximately 40% of U.S. voters think the 2020 presidential election was “stolen.”

Some businesses are not allowing pregnant women in because they read on the internet that vaccinated people can harm a fetus.

At least three members of Congress have publicly stated that the insurrectionists were either patriots or antifa.  One said it looked like they were ordinary tourists.

We have a few weeks of cold weather in Pennsylvania in May, and people are actually saying it proves there is no global warming.

Chinese leadership is of the opinion that America is in a decline and losing its status as a great power.  Given the level of political discourse, the lack of rational thought, and the belief in the most outlandish conspiracy theories among our population along with the anti-democratic actions of one of our two major political parties, I believe the Chinese are on to something.

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