Sunday, May 16, 2021

Time to end racing (and two quick items)

 Race fans are concerned that racing may end because the EPA has stepped up enforcement against car part makers whose products disable emissions systems.  Racers often modify those systems to give the car more power.  It has always amazed me that people can sit and watch cars go round and round while emitting greenhouse gasses in large quantities.

As for sports being eliminated, it’s happened before.  We no longer allow bear baiting, or bull fighting, or dog fighting, and when people are caught participating in those “sports,” they are punished.  

However, if people feel that strongly about seeing cars run around a track, race electric cars.  Maybe you can soup them up with more batteries.

See Roy Furchgott, “For Small-Time Racers, Big Gripe With E.P.A.,” New York Times, (May 14, 2021), p. B6.

Now, two quick items:

You no longer need to wear a mask, but you don’t want people to think you are a Trump supporter.  What can you do?  Answer:  Carry a book.

How do you tell people who are vaccinated from those who aren’t?  Answer:  Ask them who won the election.

A thank you to my friend Bill for those two.