Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Dems win big (except in my county)

I’m beginning to think the Supreme Court did a favor to Democrats when it overturned Roe v. Wade.  Ohio voters put the right to reproductive choice in the Constitution, the Democratic Governor won in Kentucky, in Virginia both houses of the state legislature are now controlled by Democrats, and in Pennsylvania Daniel McCaffery beat an anti-abortion Republican candidate for a Supreme Court seat.

In Carbon County I believe the Republicans now control every county “row office” (I’ll explain that whole concept in a later post) and hold a majority in the County Commissioners.  The good news about that is when the county government goes to hell, we will definitely know who to blame.  


  1. I was feeling pretty pessimistic about the swing state poll numbers for Biden/Trump until the Ohio and Kentucky elections. If Kentucky can re-elect a Democrat, there's hope yet.

  2. I remain pessimistic, but maybe just a bit less.
