Monday, April 9, 2012

Linked in

A former student from San Jose State asked me to join something called “Linked In.”  I clicked on the requisite site and filled in my info, giving my occupation as “agrarian radical.”  Now I get requests from three people I don’t know (one in Spanish) who evidently want to contact me.  
I ignored them.  Why would people I don’t know want to contact me?  Why should I waste my time on them?  Am I missing something here?  I liked my student who asked me to join this thing, but I’m having second thoughts.  Advice, anyone?


  1. I myself stay away from such sites or links, etc.
    One had to perceive things before you jump into the water. Its maybe cold or whatever.

  2. From a quick search I found on Wikipedia that it is a business-related social networking site. I don't think it is harmful. For me, I don't see any advantage in signing up. It may be useful to some people.

    Ricky is dropping out of the race (suspending his campaign). Now we just have to listen to Willard's lies as well as the American Action Network--more on that later.
