Unless we have some unforeseen circumstance, Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee. We all know that. Republicans know that.
Nonetheless, in Carbon County only 56% of the Republican voters could bring themselves cast a vote for Romney. Statewide Romney received about 57%. This man is not well-liked.
For Democrats, the good news is that the total Democratic vote was higher than the total Republican vote. It should be, since Carbon has thousands of more Democrats, but Republicans in general have a higher rate of turnout.
The sobering news for Democrats is that although 4887 of us voted, only 3402 cast a vote for Obama. In part that was because Obama was unopposed. In the unopposed race for Auditor General, Eugene Depasquale only received 3224 votes. On the other hand, 161 people wrote in someone other than Obama. Write-ins take an effort, and that means quite a few Carbon Democrats do not like our candidate. We have our work cut out for us.
I reached the same conclusion, Roy...We have a LOT of work to do...