Here’s how you can tell if someone you know is having economic problems. Ask him or her what the minimum wage is in Pennsylvania. People who earn pots of money have no idea what it is. People who are scraping by can tell you immediately without having to look it up.
It’s $7.25. In some states or localities it is more. In Washington state, for example, it is over $9.00 by state law; in San Francisco it is over $10.00. While states may set a higher standard than the feds, Pennsylvania has not chosen to do that.
I’ll save you the trouble of figuring out the day’s total. It comes to $58. For the week, $290. For the year, assuming paid holidays and two weeks vacation, $14,500. Try living on that with a family of four.
Incidentally, you probably won’t have health insurance for you and your kids at a minimum wage job. You probably won’t get paid holidays either. You won’t be in a union. Don’t complain, though--you can be replaced.
Wouldn't that be a great question to ask Republican Rommey to see if he knows the answers. This is what a lot of Corporations would like one to work for.