In the past few weeks I’ve read a number of articles on where Obama went wrong with his economic policy. The main criticisms were that the Administration did not spend enough and did not put enough funds into “pump-priming.” Another problem, according to some economists, was that too much money was allocated to long term projects that didn’t get money into the hands of consumers immediately.
Economists also noted that the President had trouble convincing Congress to allocate the funds that were available. And every article I read said that while the Administration might have done more, Obama prevented the country from sliding into a complete collapse. Things were bad, but it was not 1932. Let me repeat--the consensus among serious economists is that Administration policies prevented another Great Depression.
According to a poll published in today’s Morning Call, thirty-seven percent of the people polled believe the President’s policies hurt the economy. Thirty percent believed they made no difference; thirty percent believe they helped.
To reiterate, 2/3rds of Pennsylvanians believed that the Administration policies had no effect or made things worse. There are times I wish McCain had won. There are times I wish that these knuckleheads witnessed 25% unemployment, breadlines, soup kitchens, and total despair. There are times I wish people were not so uninformed.
(I had written “so goddam stupid” but pulled that in deference to this being Easter.)
It is depressing that people are so ignorant about how the republican controlled congress failed to even make any attempt to work with the president. In my opinion, I honestly feel that the republican congress wanted to keep the economy in the doldrums.
ReplyDeleteThey just can't handle having President Obama in office. To me it's as clear as black and white.
If the electorate of this country choose to elect Romney as president, they will get the government they deserve. They can kiss Social Security and Medicare goodbye. That's just for openers. How about another unfunded war in Iran? Think and get educated on the facts! I hope I never have to say, I told you so.