Friday, October 4, 2024

Trump's health and his relationship with Black women

His health:  He won’t release his health file.  If elected he would be 82 years, 7 months, and 6 days old when his term ends in January 2029–if he lives that long.  He has all kinds of issues (obesity, cardiac risk factors, rapid cognitive decline).  If he does survive, he will be older than Biden is now.  Think about that.  Of course he may have other problems.  We don’t know because he won’t release the records.  What is he hiding?

His relationship with Black women:  Here is what radio personality Charlamagne tha God said about that:  “Trump hasn’t had a good relationship with a Black woman since they took Aunt Jemima off the bottle.”  

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Liz Cheney and Kamala Harris in Ripon, Wisconsin

In 1854 a group of men from two political parties, the Fee Soilers and the Whigs, gathered in a one-room school in Ripon, Wisconsin, to discuss the issue of slavery and the Kansas-Nebraska Act.  They emerged as members of a brand new party, the Republican Party.  In 1856 the party ran its first presidential candidate, John C. Fremont.  Fremont may have had the best political slogan of all times:  “Free Soil, Free Men, Fremont.”

Four years later the Republicans elected their first president, Abraham Lincoln, although Southern states refused to accept the election results and started the Civil War.

I think the Republican Party will split after Trump loses the election in November.  it is already coming apart.  Trump and his followers comprise one faction; normal conservative Republicans comprise a smaller unorganized faction, but in this day of social media and instant communication, that faction can quickly expand.  People like Liz Chaney, campaigning today with Kamala Harris, is a conservative who believes in preserving the constitutional order.  Millions of Republicans are ready to join her.  I’ll even suggest a name.  “The Traditionalists.”

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Stealing signs

A few weeks ago the chair of the Carbon County Republican Party wrote a letter calling upon Democrats to stop stealing Republican signs.  He said with ring cameras and game trail cameras the Republicans would catch those nasty sign-stealing Democrats and they WOULD PROSECUTE!

This, girls and boys, is called projection.  The MAGA people have made sign stealing into an art.  I have already gotten calls from at least five people who need replacements for Harris signs taken from their yards.   I have not yet seen any defacing of signs, but I certainly saw lots of that four years ago, and I’m sure it will happen again.  

Democrats also don’t call the cops when signs are stolen.  We understand that the police in Carbon County have far better things to do that worry about yard sign theft by some misguided and immature MAGA clowns.

I do know of one instance where a guy with limited mobility living in Weatherly had a Harris sign ripped down and thrown into the street, and his MAGA neighbor picked it up and stuck it back in his yard.  I thought that was kind of sweet.

I also got a tip on something that won’t prevent your sign from being stolen, but it may may the thief wish he had not taken it.  Coat the sign with clear Karo syrup.  Sign stealers will regret it as soon as they grab the sign.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Kris Kristofferson, 1936-2024

Well I woke up Sunday morning

With no way to hold my head that didn’t hurt

And the beer I had for breakfast wasn’t bad

So I had one more for dessert

Then I fumbled in my closet through my clothes

And found my cleanest dirty shirt

Then I washed my face and combed my hair 

And stumbled down the stairs to meet the day

On a Sunday mornin’ sidewalk

I’m wishin’, Lord, that I was stoned

‘Cause there’s somethin’ in a Sunday 

That makes a body feel alone

And there’s nothin’ short a’ dyin’

That’s half as lonesome as the sound

Of the sleepin’ city sidewalk

And Sunday mornin’ comin’ down.  

or this one:

I don’t care who’s right or wrong

I don’t try to understand

Let the devil take tomorrow

Lord tonight I need a friend

Yesterday is dead and gone

And tomorrow’s out of sight

And it’s sad to be alone

Help me make it through the night

That is as good as it can get.