Thursday, October 3, 2024

Liz Cheney and Kamala Harris in Ripon, Wisconsin

In 1854 a group of men from two political parties, the Fee Soilers and the Whigs, gathered in a one-room school in Ripon, Wisconsin, to discuss the issue of slavery and the Kansas-Nebraska Act.  They emerged as members of a brand new party, the Republican Party.  In 1856 the party ran its first presidential candidate, John C. Fremont.  Fremont may have had the best political slogan of all times:  “Free Soil, Free Men, Fremont.”

Four years later the Republicans elected their first president, Abraham Lincoln, although Southern states refused to accept the election results and started the Civil War.

I think the Republican Party will split after Trump loses the election in November.  it is already coming apart.  Trump and his followers comprise one faction; normal conservative Republicans comprise a smaller unorganized faction, but in this day of social media and instant communication, that faction can quickly expand.  People like Liz Chaney, campaigning today with Kamala Harris, is a conservative who believes in preserving the constitutional order.  Millions of Republicans are ready to join her.  I’ll even suggest a name.  “The Traditionalists.”

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