Tuesday, October 8, 2024

I voted!

It was easy.  I filled out my ballot, put it in the yellow envelope, sealed that, put it in the envelope with the purple color, sealed it, signed my name and today’s date, affixed a first class stamp, and sent it in.  Easy Peasy.  

The instructions were much clearer than in past years.  

What we don’t get in Pennsylvania is a nice sticker that says “I voted by mail.”  If you vote by mail in New York, you get one of those.  New York also pays the postage.  

You probably are curious about my vote.  Really?  A choice between an intelligent and rational and empathetic candidate who isn’t senile or cruel or stupid and a blowhard narcissistic sack of poop.  It wasn’t a hard choice.  And I voted for all the other Democrats.  I didn’t see a single Republican candidate on the the ballot who was worthy of holding office.  The third party candidates were simply there to boost their egos, since none of them has a chance, and the Green Party candidate for President is actually a tool of Putin and represents no green values whatsoever.


  1. Were the directions that came with your ballot clear?

  2. Very clear. Much better than in previous years.
