Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Stealing signs

A few weeks ago the chair of the Carbon County Republican Party wrote a letter calling upon Democrats to stop stealing Republican signs.  He said with ring cameras and game trail cameras the Republicans would catch those nasty sign-stealing Democrats and they WOULD PROSECUTE!

This, girls and boys, is called projection.  The MAGA people have made sign stealing into an art.  I have already gotten calls from at least five people who need replacements for Harris signs taken from their yards.   I have not yet seen any defacing of signs, but I certainly saw lots of that four years ago, and I’m sure it will happen again.  

Democrats also don’t call the cops when signs are stolen.  We understand that the police in Carbon County have far better things to do that worry about yard sign theft by some misguided and immature MAGA clowns.

I do know of one instance where a guy with limited mobility living in Weatherly had a Harris sign ripped down and thrown into the street, and his MAGA neighbor picked it up and stuck it back in his yard.  I thought that was kind of sweet.

I also got a tip on something that won’t prevent your sign from being stolen, but it may may the thief wish he had not taken it.  Coat the sign with clear Karo syrup.  Sign stealers will regret it as soon as they grab the sign.  

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