Monday, June 20, 2011

Carbon County Labor Chapter

This evening I attended a meeting of the newly-formed Carbon County Labor Chapter at the Amvets in Lansford.  We had teachers, electricians, communications workers, a steel worker, a college professor, a member of the Teamsters Union, and many more discussing ways to strengthen the labor movement.  
In case you are curious, I qualified for the organization because I am a retired member of the Teamsters, the California Faculty Association, and the United Food and Commercial Workers Union.  
Every person in the room was aware that union members and the middle class are under attack by the Republicans.  This is not something happening only in Wisconsin or Arizona--anti-union legislation is in the pipeline in Pennsylvania as well.  What was impressive to me was the solidarity.  I know that “solidarity” is an overused word, but the people in the basement of the Amvets really understand that the Republican Party is out to destroy the right of American workers to join together and bargain as a group with their employers.  If we are not organized, we have no power.  The Republicans understand that.  We also understand that.
If you are an active or a retired union member, join us.  Our next meeting will be at the Lansford Amvets on July 18.  Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone interested in the growth of the new Carbon County Labor Chapter should share this post. I did . It only takes a moment of your time!
