Monday, November 21, 2011

Sandy Pope defeated

Sandy Pope was the first woman ever to run for the President of the Teamsters’ Union.  She was a UPS driver who thought the current Teamster leadership gave too much away to companies like UPS.  She only received 17% of the vote; another candidate running against the current leadership received 23%.  That means that the incumbent, a member of the Hoffa family, was reelected with 60%.
As a former Teamster (Oakland, CA, Warehousemen’s local), I hoped Ms. Pope would win, but the Hoffa name is hard to overcome.  By the way, approximately 20% of the Teamsters bothered to vote.
Reapportionment revisited
A few days ago I noted the partisan gerrymanders in Pennsylvania and praised states like California and Arizona that had non-partisan commissions drawing the lines.  Evidently the Governor of Arizona was not as impressed as I was, and she tried to fire the Arizona commission’s chairwoman for “gross misconduct” because she thought the new lines hurt Republicans.  The Arizona Supreme Court has vacated the Governor’s order.  Sometimes Republicans have a hard time accepting fairness.

1 comment:

  1. Rep. Heffley called me in regards to my letter regarding reapportionment. He related everything to me that I read in last nights Times-News. My only question to him was; Why is the division defined so Black and White as to the number being equal. Why isn't there a tolerance figure. He related that this is a mandate that they be equal. It must be a nightmare in the cities. Where communities are split all over the place.
    Seems to me that this is a no win for Carbon.
    The other proposal was to split Carbon in Half and go with Monroe and Schuylkill counties. To me that would have been worse.
