Sunday, March 18, 2012

Gas prices

Even President Obama’s most bitter opponents don’t believe he is a stupid man.  They weave all kinds of conspiracy theories and paranoid fantasies, but they never say that the President is stupid.
Anyone with a lick of sense also knows that rising gas prices will hurt Obama’s reelection campaign.  In fact, the President has dropped a few points in the polls since gas prices started to rise.
Stay with me here.  We have a smart president who wants to be reelected.  Is he really working to make prices rise at the gas pump?  Does he want higher gas prices at this particular time?  Does he even have any control over gas prices?  (And please don’t bring up that pipeline, which has absolutely nothing to do with gasoline prices.)
I’m always amazed how people can hold conflicting opinions.  I learned about cognitive dissonance in my intro psych course, but the word “cognitive” implies thinking.  Millions of Americans don’t suffer from cognitive dissonance because they never actually think.

P.S.:   I just learned from a reader that a Republican Senator up for recall in Wisconsin has resigned from the Senate, making the Senate 50-50.  Wow.  (And thanks for the info, Mr. White.)

1 comment:

  1. Your welcome. Hopefully Mr. Walker will be gone on June 5! I believe that is the recall election date.
