Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Doonesbury and the Morning Call

Just in case the Morning Call doesn't print my letter, at least you will have read it.  Here's what I sent in:
Dear Editor,
     In an effort to achieve "balance," newspapers and television networks often present opposing viewpoints on political issues.  They try to give "equal time" or "pro-con" even when it is not justified.
     If a scientist presents findings that the climate is warming, some crackpot must be unearthed to refute that.  If some commentator notes that life expectancy in Cuba is longer than in the U.S., someone will be found to explain that the Cuban government must be lying.  If someone points out that unemployment under Obama has increased every month for the past 24 months, some economist will be called upon to explain that the increase is small and bound to tank soon.  
     As part of this trend I see where the Morning Call feels the need to "balance" Doonesbury with a "conservative" cartoon. Doonesbury is funny, inventive, occasionally biting, and always interesting.  I have seen the Fillmore cartoon in other papers--it is puerile and vapid. Drop it.

Don't you like the "puerile and vapid" line?  (It's also true.)

1 comment:

  1. I don't get the paper, but my boss does. It just so happened that on Thursday she was out of the office when the paper came and I skimmed through it. There was your letter!! I'm glad they printed it.
