Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jerry Knowles

For years I’ve been a subscriber to Governing magazine, a monthly publication devoted to U.S. state and local governments.  Once a year Governing publishes a list of state legislators, mayors, and local government officials who have made a significant contribution to innovative policies or have achieved excellence in governing.  Pennsylvania State Representative Jerry Knowles (R-Berks/Schuylkill) will never be featured.  Guaranteed,

Today Knowles announced that he was co-sponsoring the “Open Workforce Initiative.”  This is also known as a “Right to work for less” bill, or sometimes by the abbreviation SPWABTDTTBL.  (That’s “Screw Pennsylvania Workers and Bring Them Down To Bangladesh Levels”).  Knowles is known for his slavish devotion to big business and his antipathy to working men and women.  


  1. Jerry Knowles has worked in government his whole life. I can presume he has a pension from his work as a police officer in Tamaqua, a county commissioner in Schulykill county and now as a state representative. Representative Knowles has never worked in big business nor do I think business of any matter, big or small. Why vote for big business anyway? There are none in his district. Knowles is a small town guy who lacks any kind of innovation. Thank god Apple Computer wasn't ran by him!

  2. Jerry Knowles actually makes me appreciate Doyle Heffley.
