Monday, January 14, 2013

Stupid statements about gun control

1.  Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
     Really.  And what do those people use to kill people.

2.  If you ban assault rifles, killers will use knives.
     A friend and I were attacked in a Washington, D.C., apartment building in 1966 by two guys with knives.  My friend fought them off ( I was cowering in the corner), and we got the elevator door closed and escaped.  Had those guys had guns, I doubt if you would be reading this post.
     There was an attack on school children in China abut the same time of the Newton shooting.  If I remember correctly, 20 children were wounded by an assailant with a knife.  All of them lived.

3.  Good guys with guns can stop bad guys with guns.
     In Littleton, Colorado, the good guys did have guns, but the students were killed anyway.  Even trained cops shoot bystanders by accident.  I'd hate to think of a situation where a whole group of untrained shooters blast away.

4.  If they take away assault rifles, the next thing will be hunting guns. 
     Right now we are not allowed to possess surface-to-air missiles or RPGs, but we still have our hunting rifles.

5.  Require bullet-proof glass in schools.
     Somebody actually wrote that in a letter to the Allentown Morning Call.

6.  We need weapons to protect us from the government.
     Who do we really need protection from?  Have you seen the people who are pushing assault rifles?  Who is going to protect guys like me from those wackos?  I trust the government a lot more than I trust armed Tea Party nuts.

7.  When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
     Oh.  My.  God.

1 comment:

  1. Although I don't know how much I agree with you on this particular topic, I would like to say this is one of your best posts EVER! I can just hear your voice ranting about gun control. I plan on printing off this post and reading it whenever I have a bad day and put a smile on my face. I love the last line where you say Oh. My. God. I am laughing so hard right now.
