Saturday, August 10, 2013

Bike Night

Every year in August the borough of Lehighton hosts “Bike Night,” a time for motorcycle enthusiasts to congregate and show off their tattoos, their chicks, and their bikes.  My impression is that many bikers think of themselves as radicals.

They aren’t.

This is commodified radicalism.  You need to spend thousands of dollars on a motorcycle, preferably a Harley.  You need to spend money on the clothes (though not a helmet because tough guys don’t wear helmets).  You need to go on runs.  You probably pride yourself on your long hair, or your tattoos, and the tradition of biker outlaws, dating from Marlon Brando in “The Wild Ones” and Peter Fonda in “Easy Rider.”  (“What are you rebelling against?” and Johnny replies, “What do you got?”)

But it isn’t really rebellion, is it? The status quo isn’t really challenged.  The economic system remains unchanged.  It’s a bunch of guys playing dress-up and pretending they are tough.  In the meanwhile the real powers--Wall Street and Wal-Mart and the Koch Brothers--go on their merry way.

1 comment:

  1. It could also be said about many in the gun crowd. To me they are not much different. At least some of the bikers may be potential organ donors. We had a group of at least 40 pass us by earlier today. Not one of them with a helmet on.
