Friday, August 16, 2013

Yard sale

After the Obama 2012 campaign a number of us thought we should keep the office open.  We reasoned that every two years we needed a campaign office, and every two years we scrambled around to find a suitable location to rent for a few months.  Why not just keep the office we had, which was located in downtown Lehighton, on First Street, across from the park?  We liked our landlord, and the location was great, including a front window.

Since the County Party had neither the funds nor the inclination to keep the office open, a number of us set up a committee known as the “Community Outreach Association” to operate the headquarters, known as he “Democratic Information Center.”  We have our own bank account and treasurer, completely separate from the official county Democratic Party.  We have our own Board of Directors--Patti, Sandra, Carol, and me.

While we are independent of the official party, our mission statement says that one of our purposes is to strengthen the Democratic Party in Carbon County.  Two groups--the Lehighton Area Democratic Club and the Carbon County Labor Council--meet in our facility, and we are also the headquarters of the Helen Torok campaign.  Helen is running for Borough Council in Lehighton.

One problem is that the rent is $400 a month, plus utilities.  We have a dedicated group of donors, but we only have rent money until October.  To raise funds, we are holding a massive yard sale tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.  We hope to raise at least $800 to get us into 2014.  If you are anywhere near 6495 Pohopoco Drive, Lehighton, come out and buy something.  

If you are one of our loyal readers in Belgium, I’ll send you a book.  We are selling books for 25¢ each, or five for a dollar.  We have over 1000 books.  Also squash and hot peppers.  And fishing lures.  And hats.  And collectibles.  And on and on.

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