Saturday, June 13, 2015

Peter, Paul, and Mary

This evening I was clicking the remote to get to the Weather Channel and happened to come across a tribute to Mary Travers of Peter, Paul, and Mary.  I watched it long enough to see John Kerry, George McGovern, Whoopi Goldberg, and Bill Moyers praise her commitment to progressive causes.  Then I watched Peter and Paul, looking very old, sing “Leaving on a Jet Plane.”

It occurred to me how pleased I am to have been on the right side of many of major issues of the last half century;  Pro Civil Rights.  Anti-Vietnam War.  Pro-voting rights.  Pro-choice.  Pro gay rights.  Pro-union.  Pro health care for all Americans.  Anti Iraq war.  Environmentalist.  Johnson, McGovern, Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Hart, Clinton, Gore, Kerry, and Obama supporter.  

We didn’t win all of those, but if I die tonight, I’ll have very little to regret–at least politically.

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