Friday, October 16, 2015

Bridge of Spies

“Bridge of Spies,” directed by Steven Spielberg, will transport you back to the height of the Cold War.  Starring Tom Hanks, the film revisits the swap of a Soviet spy for Francis Gary Powers, the U-2 pilot shot down over the Soviet Union.

The film reaffirms American values, and the Hanks character takes the American constitution seriously, something that many others are quite willing to discard.  

I am old enough to remember some of the events portrayed in the film.  It was a dangerous time, but the movie may make you nostalgic for the Cold War, when we knew our enemies and ISIS, global warming, and Ted Cruz were decades in the future.

Anyway, see the film.  The acting is outstanding, the cinematography is amazing, and the actor who portrays the Soviet spy should receive an Oscar.

1 comment:

  1. I remember it well. I was in Japan where we were flying U2's. The Japanese were that angered and Pres. Eisenhower had to cancel his visit to Japan. We had to pack up and leave Japan. That was a major event in my life. In some ways it was a life style change in my life, which evolved into my life of today.
