Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Democratic Presidential candidate debate

I must admit that I didn’t give it my full attention.  I was canning sweet peppers, and it was on the background.  In fact it still going on.  Nevertheless, I learned a few things.

First, the Democrats don’t have clowns running for President.  No Ted Cruz, no Donald Trump, no Huckabee, no Ben Carson, no Carly What’s Her Name.

Second, none of the five people participating in the debate are stupid.  No Rickie Santorum or Scott Walker.

Finally, whomever of the five is nominated, I won’t have any problems voting for her or him.  In fact, I could be positively enthusiastic, given the opposition.


  1. I must agree with you there were no clowns in the group.
    There were a lot of conversation about the problems we have as a nation.
    I thought that Hillary was the winner, if there needs to be one. Sander's and O'Malley were impressive as well.

  2. I thought Hillary would do well. She is experienced, smart, and personable. I don't know why so many people don't like her. I think she would be the strongest candidate.
