Thursday, March 9, 2017

Climate skeptics

Although I don’t agree with them, I understand that people might think that global warming is the result of some natural process rather than a result of human activity.  I don’t think this is realistic, but I can see where you might draw that conclusion, since we have had fluctuations in climate in the past before human activity.

What I can’t understand is someone who denies that global warming is taking place.  The data are clear.  For heaven’s sake, when one is 74 years old, like I am, one has witnessed global warming.  I’m not talking about fluctuations in weather, I’m talking about long term trends.  Any farmer who is at least 40 years old sees this. 

Now I read that Pruitt, the new EPA head, is staffing the agency with climate skeptics.  How hard it must be to find people that stupid.  What rocks do you have to turn over to find “climate skeptics?”  

I see some people still proudly display their Trump signs in their yards.  Wow.  It’s like saying, “I am proud to be an idiot.”

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I see a Trump sign in somebody's yard, it shoot it the bird. Doesn't do anything, and probably confuses the guy going in the other direction, but it sure makes me feel better.
