Friday, August 25, 2017

Bolsheviks and Trump supporters

During the Stalinist purges of the 1930s, many Bolsheviks who worked with Lenin were tried in show trials in Moscow and sentenced to death.  The lucky ones were sent to Siberia.  These were men (and some women) who had been with the Revolution from the beginning.  Stalin, however, could not abide anyone who might be an independent actor or source of power.  

In spite of this, many Bolsheviks continued to believe in the Revolution.  They still had hope for a glorious Communist utopia, and they simply could not abandon their faith that things would work out.

Many Americans wonder why Trump’s base does not abandon him.  Why don’t they see through his shenanigans?  They are American Bolsheviks.  No matter what he does, they believe he will Make America Great Again.  They maintain a religious faith.  There is nothing he can do that will shake that faith.

It is both scary and pathetic.

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