Thursday, February 8, 2018

Holocaust denier likely Republican nominee

In the 3rd Congressional District in Illinois, a white supremacist and Holocaust denier is the likely Republican nominee.  He is Arthur Jones, he has been disowned in strong terms by the Illinois Republican Party, and he won’t win.

Nonetheless, he will get publicity.  He is getting it right here in this post, and white supremacists and neo-Nazi clowns thrive on that publicity.  Why didn’t a mainstream Republican, or even a Tea Party type candidate run in the 3rd District primary?  Because it is a gerrymandered district.  A Republican has not won the district since 1975.

In Pennsylvania the Republicans do it.  In Illinois the Democrats do it.  In both states it is harming democracy, increasing partisanship, and discouraging voters.

Pennsylvania Congressional districts, however, will soon be fairly drawn.  We really owe our PA Supreme Court, excluding, of course, the NRA shill and Republican toady Justice Sallie Mundy.

It just occurred to me that we elected a President who claimed Obama was born in Kenya.  Over a year into this, and I still can’t believe Trump won.

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