Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Possible Republican rebukes

 Today was the day Republicans in the House were supposed to discuss possible rebukes for two representatives.  One is for Marjorie Taylor Greene, a crazy woman who wants to kill Speaker Pelosi and believes Jews with lasers caused the California wildfires and Hillary Clinton drinks blood.  The other is for Liz Cheney of Wyoming, who voted for Trump’s impeachment in the House and has spoken out against his actions.

I have not seen any news tonight, but I’m guessing they went after Cheney.


  1. Half of the republicans gave greene a standing ovation. So much for their lack of morality! They don't have any and they sure aren't the party of family values!!!

  2. I had to eat a little crow today on my Cheney prediction, but I was right about Greene. What a disaster that party is.

  3. They let Cheney off because it was a secret vote. I heard many times on my lefty news and podcasts that if they'd had to vote out loud, they would have stripped her of her leadership positions. Cowards. A funny side note, one of Republicans voted "present." In a secret vote. How stupid are these people.

    1. Oops, forgot the question mark. ?

      Wish we could edit these comments.
