Friday, March 12, 2021

Didn't we end this in 1776?

 I have never understood Americans’ fascination with British royalty.  The whole concept of kings and queens is medieval, and even worse, silly.

The king or queen can perform a useful function.  Many countries have a head of government, often called a prime minister, and a head of state, often called the President.  Israel is like that.  In Japan the head of state is the emperor; the head of government is the prime minister.  In Germany the head of state is the president; the head of government is the Chancellor.

The advantage of that system is that you can love the head of state and honor and respect him or her, while you loath and oppose the head of government.  In the U.S. we have a problem because the head of state and the head of government is the same person.  When Trump honored a Medal of Honor recipient, Democrats may have wanted to respect that act, but they were aware it was Trump who was performing the act.

The Queen can be the symbol of unity, while Prime Minister Boris Johnson is roundly booed when he shows up.  Unfortunately, the whole royal family is constantly in the tabloids, evidently does stupid things, and costs a lot of money.  I really can’t understand why when we have voter suppression, Covid, international conflicts, and a global climate crisis, this is even covered by the evening news.

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