Thursday, December 28, 2023

New York increases voter turnout

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has signed into law a bill that will move many county and local elections to even numbered years, the same years voters elect federal and state office holders.  Turnout in the local elections, often called off-year elections, is roughly 33% in Carbon County.  Voters often ignore elections for their County Commissioners, their school board candidates, or their prothonotary.  

While most of the so-called “row officers” in Pennsylvania should be civil service positions rather than elected, the reality is they are elected.  Because of the low visibility and low turnout, these elections are sometimes decided by a few votes and feature unknown candidates.  Combining these races with higher profile elections would increase their visibility, raise awareness, and increase voter turnout.  It also makes life easier for election officials.

Good for you, New York.  Will Pennsylvania follow suit? 

1 comment:

  1. I hope so. In the meantime, We will do our best to increase the number of registered Democrats, and mobilize them to vote in the off year elections.
