Monday, November 8, 2021

Old school

Our daughter was walking home from a Black Lives Matter rally in Chico last year when she passed a shoe repair shop she sometimes patronizes.  The owner gives off kind of a hippie vibe with ponytail and attitude.  He told her she could put the Black Lives Matter sign in his window.

She stopped by again last week, and he told her he may have lost some business, but the sign was still there.  He said a short time ago he was in the back of his shop; when he came out he saw a former Chico councilman skulking away from the store, but his wife was waiting by the counter.  She told him she thought all people mattered.  He said, “When black babies have the same life expectancy as white babies, when black people don’t get pulled over and shot, when black people can move into the same neighborhoods as white people, and when this is true for all minorities, then I’ll put an “All people matter” sign in the window.

She said, “Well, I’m a Christian.  I believe all people matter.”

He said, “You’re no Christian.  If Christ were here today he sure wouldn’t be voting Republican.”

She huffed out of the shop, and he followed her to finish his argument when he spotted her husband down the block.  He shouted at the husband, “And you are a pussy, sending your wife into the shop while you sneak off.”

In the meantime a 20-something was standing in front of a restaurant being remodeled next door.  He said, “Wow, an actual political argument right here in the street.”

The repair guy said, “That’s right.  None of this fucking Facebook.  We’re old school.”

1 comment:

  1. "None of this fucking Facebook. We're old school" is beautiful. I'm stealing that.
