Monday, November 15, 2021

Trump signs and property values

 A friend of mine sent me an item on Trump signs and property values.  She said she thought it could be a scam, since she was not able to verify it.  It sounds correct to me, although I’m suspicious that a person would so lightly dismiss losing that much value on his home.  True or not, I want to believe it.  I hope this gets spread.

An unpublished study commissioned by a national group of realtors found that neighborhoods that still retained their Trump signs months after the 2020 election tended to have lower property values by as much as 20%.  Evidently the type of young college-educated suburbanites who have been moving out of cities during the Covid epidemic feel that people who continue to display Trump signs would not make good neighbors.

According to one potential home buyer quoted in the study, “Don’t these people know the election is over and Trump lost?  What kind of people live here?  It’s certainly not a place I want to live.”

The researchers asked a number of people with the Trump signs if they were concerned about their property values being depressed.  One resident who had a large “Fuck Biden” sign in an upscale neighborhood said, “If my home loses a hundred thousand in value as the price to own the libs, so be it.”  His house was surrounded by three homes with “for sale” signs.  


  1. On one of my trips to Allentown last week I seen a house that was for sale with a Trump sign. I had the same thought is that is not a good idea if you want to sell your house.
