Friday, November 12, 2021

The Kyle Rittenhouse case

 Kyle Rittenhouse killed two people and wounded a third in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  He took a gun which he was not legally allowed to carry into a volatile situation and ended up killing two people and wounding a third.  He drove across state lines to reach Kenosha.  He claims he acted in self-defense.  After shooting the people and with his gun strapped to his body, he walked past police without the police stopping or arresting him.  He is now on trial.

Now let’s suppose that Kyle Rittenhouse were a black 17-year-old carrying an illegal weapon who had just shot and killed two people and wounded another.  Imagine him then walking toward the police.  What do you think would have happened?  What would Fox news commentators be saying?  Would the people who are helping the white Kyle Rittenhouse on a “GoFundMe” page be as willing to defend the black 17-year old?  Would Rittenhouse even be alive?

You know the answers to those questions.  That is what is known as white privilege.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if the NRA will try to ban skate boards because they are deadly weapons and are not protected by the constitution.
