Wednesday, June 6, 2012

$1.7 billion

That’s the amount Gov. Corbett is proposing in tax breaks for Shell Oil over the next 25 years to build a petrochemical refinery.
Republicans are amazing.  They believe in free enterprise and market forces until they don’t.  Why would Shell, one of the richest and most profitable corporations on the globe, need a tax break?
Billy O’Gurek, who keeps on top of these things, said Shell had planned to build the plant anyway, whether or not it received tax breaks. 
Corbett is the same governor who last week proposed eliminating general assistance to the poorest 70,000 Pennsylvanians.  
My grandmother-in-law used to say that Republicans couldn’t enjoy a meal unless they knew someone else was starving.  I think she was on to something.

1 comment:

  1. Heffley was at the Labor council meeting where he said " the Delaware Loophole will only save $400 million dollars". He said taxing the Shale would only bring in $325 million dollars. Those two things total $725 million dollars which is close to the $1 billion dollars which he cut from education.
