Saturday, June 2, 2012

The employment figures

Romney is in full throat mode, attacking Obama for not doing better in creating jobs.  This coming from the candidate of a party that did everything possible to stymie legislation to jump start the economy.  It is the same party that in Pennsylvania and other Republican-dominated states laid off hundreds of thousands of public workers.
If Romney were president right now, I wonder what he would do about the problems in the Euro zone.  What would he do about the economic slowdown in both China and Japan?  What would he do about the crisis in Greece?  (My friend George suggested that he might buy Greece, but given his record at Bain, I don’t think that would help.)
If I understand the Republican positions correctly, they plan to increase employment by cutting government programs (except the ones they like), ending regulations, and cutting taxes.  
Aren’t those the policies that got us into this mess in the first place?  If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, Romney should be institutionalized.


  1. As long as he is institutionalized in the proper institution---a prison. For what he has done to various companies was flat out criminal. Technically what he did was legal but morally he was dead wrong. I hope he rots in ****!

  2. The other night I watched Shark tank. This is a show where people with ideas for a product present their idea to secure financing. In almost all the cases all the investors want is for the product to be made or fabricated off shore. In almost all the presenter want to make it here to create jobs in the USA.
    What I get from hearing these investors all they want is to just make more money. They really do not care about creating jobs in the USA. Just make money.
    This is why tax breaks to the rich is not the answer to job creation. Its just their way to get more tax breaks.
    They just want to make more money.
    Get my point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
