Sunday, June 17, 2012

He's never coming back

Romney must be glad he’s put Carbon County behind him.  He spoke to an unenthusiastic crowd in Weatherly.  His people were so worried they forced a peaceable high school student to leave the audience.  He proposed more of the same discredited ideas that got us into this economic fix.  (Remember the definition of insanity--doing the same thing and expecting different results.)
Finally, the press conference held in Weatherly after Romney departed was well-covered in the local media.  Billy O’Gurek, Democratic County Chair, said he was pleased Romney had come to the area because it gave the Democrats a chance to contrast their own policies.  If you want to check out O’Gurek’s remarks, here’s the link: <>.  I think you’ll like it.


  1. He most likely won't come back but if he gets elected by some chance a lot of misery will come to town. Social security and Medicare for starters.

    If he runs an austere government as it sounds like he wants, unemployment will continue to rise and it won't be pleasant. Unemployment in Europe is around 11% thanks to austerity by the governments.

  2. Mitt Romney is a socially-awkward, 1%er. He has no idea how the people of Carbon County live. Mitt has a car elevator, multiple houses in multiple states and son of a CEO. You can't tell me he was that good at his job that he made $250 million. It was his daddy's connections which got him into those positions.

    Hats off to Bill O'Guerk Jr. for standing up to Romney and the Republicans. He did an excellent job.
