Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dumb as a box of rocks

Today in the Palmerton Hospital cafeteria I complained to the staff about having to watch Fox “News.”  The TV had a sign underneath it warning people that the sound and channel were not to be adjusted on orders of the Administrator.  The woman who took my money said she had nothing to do with the TV, but she did turn it off for me.  Later, I heard another cafeteria worker say she was voting for Romney because he “looked more presidential,” and she didn’t like the way the country was heading for socialism.
If that isn’t enough to depress you, how’s this?  A Gallup poll found that 46% of respondents said yes to this statement:  “God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last ten thousand years or so.”  
Guess what the percentage was for college grads.  It was 46%, same as the rest of the population.  Sixteen years of American education, and almost half of college grads are able to set aside paleontology, geology, archaeology, genetics, and biology for a fairy tale.  
If you believe in God and believe he created you, why wouldn’t you use the brain he gave you?

1 comment:

  1. Although I really didn't appreciate it at the time, Obama was right when he said "people cling to their guns and religion". I am a deist and have no need for organized religion. It will do nothing for you. I challenge people to think for themselves, question authority, question status quo! That is a sign of intelligence!
