Monday, June 18, 2012

Voter ID confusion

Today at an SEIU workshop, participants were told that the Pennsylvania Department of Motor Vehicles would issue a picture ID on the basis of a utility bill--no birth certificate required.  I also heard from a reliable source that the DMV would obtain a copy of a Pennsylvania birth certificate for the ID at no charge to the applicant.
We were told by the County Registrar that an absentee ballot applicant did not need a photo ID; simply the last four digits of the Social Security number, although that is not on the absentee request form.  Later we heard that applicants were required to send in a photocopy of their picture ID.
Perhaps I am being paranoid, but it seems to be that the confusion on the rules might be deliberate.  We only have a few months left to register voters, and we still don’t have a definitive set of rules.  If definitive rules do exist, perhaps someone can tell me where they are located.  People hold the Pennsylvania legislature in low regard with good reason.

1 comment:

  1. It would seem to me that when the legislation was enacted that it should have had all of the requirements written in it. Is the Pennsylvania legislature that incompetent? However if someone wants to suppress voting they would try to keep it vague and cut down the amount of time that may be necessary to get the proper information.

    Paranoid--I think not. Your dealing with tea party types and right wing extremists. They are the confused ones, as they don't really know what they want. The only thing they know is they have to keep democrats from voting at any cost.
