Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Lehighton Women's Club

After 103 years of community service, the Lehighton Women’s Club has disbanded.  

Sixteen years ago Robert D. Putnam wrote Bowling Alone in which he argued that cooperative associations and organizations were in trouble in America.  Service clubs like the Moose, the Elks, and the Kiwanis were either dead or on life support.  Putnam was concerned that this lack of community organizations was weakening American democracy as people turned inward.

Way back in 1831 Alexis deTocqueville noted that Americans didn’t wait for government to solve problems; they formed associations to fix the problems themselves.  He thought this was one of the strengths of America.

Voluntary associations accustom people to get along with each other.  They are good for democracy and for the community.  Fortunately, in our area volunteer fire companies, local food banks, the Lions, and the 4-H Clubs remain active.  The Palmerton Concourse Club, an organization of women comparable to the Lehighton Women’s Club, has 130 members and performs many charitable acts every year.  The Friends of Beltzville State Park, a group formed earlier this year, shows that the volunteer spirit is alive.  

We need to foster these groups.  Get off your butt and join up.


  1. Roy, I did some phone banking the other night and asked several people if they would consider volunteering. What I heard was, "I'd like to, but I'm a single mom working two jobs and I just don't have the time." and "I work a lot of hours and I just can't." I think this is often the case. More and more people must work multiple jobs to keep their head above water and putting in even more hours (where you don't get paid) is daunting.

  2. I'm sure that is a big part of the decline of volunteer groups. Years ago many women did not work. Today almost every woman in this area holds one, and sometimes two, jobs.
