Tuesday, November 14, 2017

3rd World Nation

In past regime changes in the developing world, it is sometimes the case that the winning candidate, or coup leader, or dictator, arrests and jails his former opponent.  (It’s always a “he.”)

Now I see that Breitbart, a hate-filled organization, and Fox News, likewise, are calling for an investigation on a made-up charge against Clinton for a uranium sale to Russia.  

Why investigate?  Why not do what they do in the Philippines, or Egypt, or Zimbabwe.  We don’t need no stinkin’ investigation.  Fox News and Breitbart and Trump know she is guilty.  Lock her up!

On another note:  Any Alabama politician who wears a cowboy hat (I’m talking about you, Roy S. Moore) should be immediately disqualified from running for office.  You can get away with that in Wyoming, maybe even in Texas, but not in Alabama, you pervert.

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