Thursday, November 2, 2017

Trump's prayers answered

After a driver in Charlottesville ran a car into a crowd, Trump kept asking, “Was it a Muslim?  Was it a Muslim?”  When told it wasn’t, he muttered “shit” and proceeded to blame both sides.

After the Las Vegas shooting, Trump kept asking, “Was it a Muslim?  Was it a Muslim?”  When told it wasn’t he muttered “shit” and proceeded to say it was too early to discuss gun legislation.

After the driver killed eight people in New York, Trump kept asking, “Was it a Muslim?  Was it a Muslim?”  When told it was, Trump pumped his fist and yelled “Yes!”  He then proceeded to blame Obama, call for the perpetrator to be put in Guantanamo, and whip up his base by tarring all Muslims.  He is so happy.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds about right, funny I was thinking the same thing.
    Amazing how something that is terrorist related leads to all kind of response. When compared to Gun killings it is very minor in comparison. Our legislators always say the same thing whenever a shooting takes place. The usual, "Our hearts a and prayers go out to the victims" and "this is not the time and place to act on gun violence"
