Thursday, October 18, 2018

Hillary Clinton

I don’t know why some people hate Hillary Clinton, but they do.  Her approval rating is now lower than when she ran for President.  I worked very hard for her, but I never really liked her very much.  Admired her, yes, but liked her, no.  

Nonetheless, there is a bright line between not liking someone very much and actively despising them.  Whatever the reason and however irrational it is, millions of voters simply loathe her.

Now she and Bill are on the campaign trail, supposedly helping Democrats, but instead acting as a cattle prod to drive the deplorables to the polls.  I just wish she would quietly ride off into the sunset and take Bill with her.


  1. I think one of the reasons some people dislike her so much is that the constant lies told about her over and over have been ingrained into their minds. Tell a lie often enough and enough people will believe it. That's how we wound up with trump. We need to right some wrongs this November.

  2. I think that explains a lot of the hatred, but not all.
