Sunday, May 12, 2024

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

My review:  Caesar, the one-time Ape leader, preached “ape not kill ape,” and believed that apes and humans could live in harmony.  But that was a long time ago, and Caesar’s teaching have been perverted by Proximus Caesar, who uses force to remain in power and greets his subjects in a ranting daily speech that opens by claiming that it is a wonderful day. 

His followers hang on every word, saluting him and cheering him on, hoping to Make Apes Great Again, although they don’t wear the hats.  In the end some human/ape cooperation manages to overthrow Proximus, although the relationship between the peaceful apes and the human (who has a pistol and knows how to use it) is left ambiguous, no doubt a setup for the sequel.  

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