Thursday, May 23, 2024

Nikki, Nikki, Nikki

Name three prominent Republicans who have the integrity to defy Trump.  I said three because I can only think of two–Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney.  They both paid a price for their opposition to Trump.  Cheney lost her re-election bid, and Romney is not running again.  On the other hand, they retained their integrity and can sleep with a clear conscience.  Two.

Now name 20 Republicans who are fully aware that Trump is incompetent, a danger to America and the world, and should never be allowed near the Oval Office.  The 20 Republicans you name should also be reasonably intelligent, are familiar with Trump’s actions, and must know he is a charlatan.  They may have been critical of him in the past, like J.D. Vance or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio, but now, for their sheer self-interest and cowardice, they suck up to him.  You can go down the list of Republican governors, Senators, or Representatives.  The list will grow long.

And now Nikki Haley.  I feel like the newsboy who confronted “Shoeless” Joe Jackson of the Chicago “Black Sox” after the World Series cheating scandal.  “Say it ain’t so, Joe.”  I’m that little boy:  “Say it ain’t so, Nikki.”

Unfortunately it is.   

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