Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Not On Our Dime

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has endorsed a bill that would strip New York nonprofits of their tax exempt status if their funds are used to support settlement activity on the West Bank.  Right-wing fanatics are building illegal settlements on the West Bank, committing atrocities against Palestinians, and doing their best to drive out the inhabitants.  One of those right-wing fanatics sits on Netanyahu’s cabinet, and Netanyahu depends on the parties backing the settlements to stay in power.

The West Bank Jewish settlers, some of whom won’t even serve in the Israeli Army, are a main impediment to peace.  Secretary of State Blinken said the settlements in Palestinian territories are “ inconsistent with international law.”  The U.S. has imposed sanctions of some of the settlers accused of violence against Palestinians. 

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee opposes the Not On Our Dime bill.  Of course it does.

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