Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Wild West (in Columbus, Ohio)

So, here’s the scoop.  Mr. Keys and his wife were getting into their car after a Father’s Day visit with Mrs. Keys’s grandparents.  A 72-year-old neighbor came out carrying a rifle.  He believed that Mr. Keys had let the air out of his daughter’s tires and poisoned his lawn.  That’s the first gun.

Mr. Keys was carrying a pistol in his waistband.  That’s the second gun.  His father-in-law tried to disarm the guy with the rifle and knocked him down, but in the meantime another relative ran into the house to get a .22 rifle.  That’s gun number three.  

Mrs. Keys ducked behind the car to call 911 when she heard gunshots, multiple gunshots.  Some ex-marine across the street had opened up with a ghost gun assault rifle, gun number four.  He hit Mr.Keys five times and killed him.  

Trump wants to eliminate all the paltry gun safety measures that the Biden administration enacted.  I’m not sure that would make much difference in any case.  While I’m on the subject of Trump and his proposal, why are attendees at his rallies not allowed to bring their guns in?  What’s with that?  Is the Trump campaign willing to trample on the 2nd Amendment?

Info from the shootout in Columbus, Ohio, is from a page one article in the May 21 issue of the New York Times.  In another indicator of life in our times, somebody had filmed the entire episode.

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