Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Why don't more Israeli's object?

A number of my friends have wondered why more Israelis don’t object to the carnage in Gaza.  Why aren’t they taking to the streets to protest their government’s policies?  Many have objected, but a majority continues to support Netanyahu.  

I think it is important to note that when the U.S. began extensive use of napalm and cluster bombs in Vietnam, American streets were not exactly filled with protestors.  

If you are splashed with napalm and you jump in a river, the napalm will keep burning. Cluster bombs are bombs that contain bomblets that contain shrapnel.  The shrapnel will not penetrate a brick wall, but it will penetrate flesh.  The shrapnel is not round BBs, but odd-shaped, because that will cause more damage to a human body.  

I’m not excusing the Israeli reluctance to criticize the government policy in Gaza.  I do understand it.  I have a good memory.

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