Sunday, June 16, 2024

Anne from Brussels

Anne, a long-time good friend who now lives in Brussels, visited us this weekend.  We have known Anne for at least 35 years; she noted that when she arrived here on Friday everything was familiar and felt like home.

Like many Europeans, she is worried that Trump will win in November.  What would a Trump victory mean for Ukraine, NATO, worldwide prosperity, the Middle East, nuclear war?  She reads the New York Times on-line every day and follows American politics closely.  Unfortunately we could not reassure her.  We have the same worries.

We did go on a hike on Sawmill Trail in Beltzville State Park on Saturday.  It is the best trail in the park, paralleling a swift-flowing trout stream with wild flowers blooming and perfect weather.  For a few hours at least, we were able to enjoy nature and forget the ugliness that is American politics.

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